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Monday 29 October 2012

               The standard sizes of sheets according to I.S.I. are;

ISO A Drawing Sizes (mm)
A5   148  X  210
A4   210  X  297
A3   297  X  420
A2   420  X  594
A1   594  X  841
A0   841  X  1189

A2 size is generally used by engineering students as it is very handy and easy for drawing work in class.

ANSI/ASME Drawing Sizes (inches)
A  8.5" X  11"
B  11"  X  17"
C  17"  X  22"
D  22"  X  34"
E  34"  X  44"

Other U.S. Drawing Sizes
D1  24" X  36"
E1  30" X  42"
H    larger still [intracompany standards]
I     larger still [intracompany standards]
J     larger still [intracompany standards]

What is layout of drawing sheet?

          The selection of suitable scale and allotment of proper space for margin, title block, parts list, revision panel, folding marks etc. on the drawing sheet is known as layout of drawing sheet.

Why is the layout of sheet is necessary?

          Layout of the drawing on the drawing sheet is necessary in order to make its reading easy and speedy. The title blocks, parts list etc will provide all the required information.

List out the contents of title block and material list:

The title block should contain at least the following information's.
(i)   Name of the Institution,
(ii)  Name and Roll no. of the Student, 
(iii) Class (with Discipline),
(iv) Scale: (a) full scale (1:1), (b) reduced scale (1: n) &
                 (c) enlarged scale (n: 1) where n=2, 3,4,5…....),
(v)  Drawing Number and Date,
(vi) Symbols denoting the method of projection
       (1st angle or 3rd angle),
(vii) Name of title of drawing.

What is dimensioning?

          The art of writing the various sizes or measurements on the finished drawing of an object is known as dimensioning.

What is the importance of dimensioning?
  • Dimensioning expresses all the sizes and other information   necessary to define the object.
  •  It must be done with due regard to manufacturing processes and inspection requirements.
  • The dimensioning also includes expression of tolerances          necessary for the correct functioning of the part given to be       assembled.

What do you understand by the term notation of dimensioning?

The notation of dimensioning consists of extension lines (a thin continuous line drawn by 2H pencil from the object lines), dimension lines (dimensions are mentioned above the lines which is drawn by the 2H pencil), arrow heads, dimension figures, notes, symbols (Diameter: ø, radius: R, Sphere Diameter: Sø, equilateral triangle: Δ, Square: □) etc.

Composed by:  R.Satheesh, M.E., Asst Prof., email: rsatheeshemail@gmail.com.

Introduction to Engineering Drawing


             While most engineers enjoy the process of getting to the first working model, few employers view that as sufficient. Instead, engineer's efforts are useful only when the design has been captured in engineering drawings and supporting engineering data because:

Engineering drawings describe how to consistently reproduce the design. Consistent reproduction is essential, since it forms the basis for product improvements and production efficiency.

Engineering data proves that the product conforms to the original design goals. Proof of conformance is important to both internal stakeholders (marketing, accounting, production) and external groups (distributors, customers, service providers, regulatory agencies).

Define engineering drawing. Why drawing is called universal language of engineers?

          A drawing drawn by an engineer having engineering knowledge for the drawing purposes is an engineering drawing. It is meant for communicating his ideas, thoughts and designs to others. Engineering drawing is a starting point of all engineering branches such as Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Computer science, Chemical etc. It is spoken, read, and written in its own way. Engineering drawing has its own grammar in the theory of projections, its idioms in conventional practices, its punctuations in the types of lines, its abbreviations, symbols and its descriptions in the constructions.

--> composed by  R.Satheesh, M.E., Asst Prof., email: rsatheeshemail@gmail.com.

Monday 22 October 2012

Engg Graphics

Engineering Graphics

Dear friend,
Engineering graphics is the basic lesson for engineering students, since which is an universal language for engineers.

An engineering drawing, a type of  technical drawing  is used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items.

Engineering drawing (the activity) produces engineering drawings (the documents). More than just the drawing of pictures, it is also a language a graphical language that communicates ideas and information from one mind to another. Most especially, it communicates all needed information from the engineer who designed a part to the workers who will make it.
(subsequent articles like this will publish day by day for benefit of engineering students/scholars)

Welcome from student community for any type of engineering doubts/clarifications.

Composed by:  R.Satheesh, M.E., Asst Prof., email: rsatheeshemail@gmail.com.