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Friday 9 November 2012


What do you mean by convention or code?

     The representation of any matter by some sign or mark on the drawing is known as convention or code. The conventions make the drawing simple and easy to draw.

What is the necessity of convention breaks and convention of materials?

     Long members of uniform cross-section such as rods, shafts, pipes etc. are generally shown in the middle by the conventional breaks so as to accommodate their view of whole length on the drawing sheet without reducing the scale. The exact length of the member is shown by the dimension.

Why the conventional representations of common features are adopted on the drawing?

     The conventional representations of common features are adopted on the drawing to save the unnecessary time or space on the drawing.

What do you understand by thickness of lines?
     There are three distinct thickness of lines used in engineering drawing. These lines are specified as thick, medium and thin lines. The line specified as thick is usually 3 times thicker and the line specified as medium is 2 times thicker than a thin line.

Where and why a cutting plane is drawn in a drawing?

     The section planes are generally perpendicular planes. The projection of a section plane, to which it is perpendicular, is a straight line. This line will be parallel, perpendicular or inclined to the x-y line. The cutting plane is drawn in a drawing to show the inner details of an object.

Composed by:  R.Satheesh, M.E., Asst Prof., email: rsatheeshemail@gmail.com.

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