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Monday 7 September 2020

9E. Advantages and Disadvantages of REHEATING


Advantages and Disadvantages of REHEATING

Advantages of REHEATING:

  • To increase the workdone of the turbine, a reheater is used between the HP and LP turbines.
  • To increase the efficiency of the turbine,
  • Erosion and corrosion of the steam turbine blades are reduced,
  • Increased final dryness fraction of the steam.

Disadvantages of REHEATING:

  • Reheating requires more maintenance,
  • Increase in thermal efficiency is not appreciable in comparison to the expenditure increased in reheating.

Composed By:      

R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,               

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com

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