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Monday 4 January 2021



1. What is the function of boiler?

a)  To burn the fuel in a confined closed system with the supply of air    

b)  To generate steam at varying pressure

c) To generate steam at constant pressure              

d) To produce flue gases by burning fuel at a given pressure


2. Why single boiler unit per turbine is equipped commonly?

a) For better turbine control                                                   

b) To deduce the costs

c) For overcoming losses of power                                     

d) To improve the efficiency


3. What is the critical average pressure at which the single boiler unit per turbines is designed to handle?

a) 150 bar                   b) 220 bar                   c) 740 bar                   d) 575 bar


4. How can be the plant efficiency of steam power plant is increased?       

a) By using high pressure and high temperature steam     

b) By equipping ash and flue gas clearance system

c) By maintaining the boiler on daily basis by cleaning the soot and combustion   products

d) By using better and efficient type of fuel for combustion


5. Which type of boilers is preferred cost wise when the boilers are required to raise less than 30 tonnes of steam?

a) Flued boiler                           b) Cornish boiler             

c) Butterfly boiler                      d) Shell boiler


6. What is the temperature at which the steam boilers are capable to withstand?

a) 200 C                        b) 280 C                      c) 540 C                    d) 358 C


7. What increases as steam pressure increases inside a boiler?

a) Force           b) Density           c) Rate of steam conversion             d) Viscosity


8. What is needed to be increased to increase the heat transfer rate in the boiler?

a) Gas velocities         b) Fuel input              c) Water velocities           d) Air supply


9.  In what is water in high pressure boiler circulated through?

a) Conduits                 b) Cove                 c) Channel                d) Tubes


10. On what basis are fire and water tube boilers are classified?

a) Depending the combustion products formed             

b) Depending the state of fuel

c) Depending on the steam formation rate                 

d) Depending tubular heating surface


11. Cornish boiler is an example of which type of boiler?

a) Fire tube boiler                             b) Water tube boiler      

c) Vertical tube boiler                       d) Externally fired boiler


12. Stirling boiler is an example of which type of boiler?

a) Inclined tube boilers                   

b) Mobile boiler

c) Fire tube boiler

d) Water tube boiler


13. Which of these is a stationary boiler?


a) Locomotive boiler    


b) Marine boiler

c) Mobile boiler

d) Babcock-Wilcox boiler


14. Which of these is a mobile boiler?


a) Lancashire boiler 

b) Stirling boiler

c) Locomotive boiler 

d) Cochran boiler



15. Which type of boiler is it when the furnace is placed in the region of boiling water?

a) Internally fired boiler         

b)  Externally fired boiler           

c)  Babcock-Wilcox boiler       

d)  Stirling boiler


 16. What is the steam pressure limit of natural circulation boilers?

a) 650 bar                    b) 180 bar                    c) 400 bar                    d) 550 bar


17.  Which type of boilers use orifice to control the flow circulation?

a) Natural circulation boilers 

b) Forced convection boilers

c) Once-through boilers

d) Positive forced circulation 






18.  Which of the given boilers operate above critical pressure?

a) Natural circulation boilers                      b) Forced circulation boilers      

c) Once-through boilers                             d) Water tube boilers


19. Which type of boilers are called drum-less boilers?

a) Natural circulation boilers                     b) Fire tube boilers

c) Positive forced circulation boiler            d) Forced circulation boiler


20. Out of the given option choose the advantage that supports fire tube boilers?

a) Water circulation is cyclic                         

b) Water circulation is limited inside boiler shell    

c)   Used as a mobile boiler                             

d)  Bursting of flue tube does not cause any explosion


21. Which are the major types of boilers that are operated in world today?

a)  Natural circulation boiler                          

b)  Forced circulation boiler          

c)   Fire tube boiler                                           

d) Once through boiler


22. What type of boiler is a Lamont boiler?

a) Forced circulation                                     b) Natural circulation 

c) Over-through                                            d) Positive forced circulation


23. What is called as the heart of the Lamont boiler?

a) Water drum             b) Centrifugal pump             c) Furnace                 d) Blower


24. Through what is feed water from hot-well is passed through, before entering steam and water drum in Lamont boiler?

a) Evaporator tubes                                      b) Economizer             

c) Distributer header                                    d) Circulating pump


25. In what form are the boiler’s tube arrange in Lamont boiler?

a) Parallel in Vertical                                     b) Inclined vertically 

c) Parallel in horizontal                                 d) Horizontally inclined


26. Through which does the even circulation of feed water is possible in Lamont boiler?

a) Nozzles             b) Water trough              c) Feed pump                d) Hose


27. What is the pressure range between which Lamont boilers operates?

a) 80-120 bar               b) 120-160 bar              c) 180-360 bar              d) 450-560 bar


28. Which is the most recent economical method of power generation from boilers?

a) Natural circulation boiler                        

b) Fire tube boiler       

c) Forced circulation              


d) Super critical boiler



29. Which of the following boilers has the highest heat transfer capacity?

a) Subcritical boiler                                     b) Critical boiler                      

c) Forced circulation boiler                          d) Super critical boiler


30. Where is water steam separator drum located in Lamont boiler?

a) Inside of the boiler                                 b) Right above the furnace        

c) Before the feed water pump                    d) Outside of boiler


31. What is the main disadvantage of Lamont boiler?

a) Less flexible in design                                                    

b) Low heat transfer rate   

c) Formation of bubbles                                                            

d) Low steam generation capacity


32. What type of boiler is a Benson boiler?

a) Super critical boiler                                b) Fire tube boiler       

c) Natural circulation boiler                        d) Over-through boiler


33. What is the capacity of Benson boiler?

a) 180 tonnes/hr and above                                               

b) 150 tonnes/hr and above    

c) 250 tonnes/hr and above                                               

d) 300 tonnes/hr and above


34. What is the major disadvantage of the Benson boilers?

a) Boiler is big in size                                    b) Has large storage capacity          

c) Deposition of salts                                     d) Bubble formation


35.  Which of the given boilers velocity of flue gases is greater than velocity of sound?

a) Benson boiler                                           b) La-Mont boiler        

c) Schmidt-Hartmann boiler                         d) Velox boiler



36. What is done to increase the rate of heat transfer in the Velox boiler?

a)  The boiler is heated upto very high range of temperature    

b)  The size of the boiler is changed as it is flexible

c)   High grade fuel is made use for the combustion                

d) Combustion gases are circulated through tubes with supersonic speed


37. What type of boiler is a Velox boiler?

a) Forced circulation boiler                        b) Natural circulation boiler

c) Positively forced circulation boiler         d) Once- through boiler


38. What is feature of the Loffler boilers?

a) Evaporating water by super-heated steam         

b)  Provide better efficiency by re-circulating gas coming out of turbine             

c)   Produce better steam quality by heating the boiler furnace above critical degrees

d)  Eliminate the extra components used


39. What is the major difficulty of the La-Mont boiler?

a) Unstable water circulation    

b) Deposition of salts    

c) Overheating of the components   

d)  Boiler working is slow


40. At what temperature is the water in convection super heater is heated of Loffler boiler?

a) 200 C                 b) 300 C                  c) 400 C                     d) 500 C


41. Why boiler draught is most essential part of the thermal plants?

a)  Serves combustion by supplying ample amount of air              

b)  Helps in maintaining air ventilation

c) Required to maintain constant air flow                          

d) Stabilizes the boiler system


42. Which is the correct formula of total draught loss?

a) Ht = Hv + Hb + Hc + Hcd      

b)  Ht = Hv + Hb – Hc + Hcd    

c)   Ht = Hv – Hb + Hc + Hcd          

d)  Ht = Hv – Hb – Hc – Hcd


43. By what is natural draught produced?

a) Air duct         b) Chimney         c) Locomotive exhaust        d) Air blower


44. Which of the following given below as the affect on amount natural draught?

a)  Boiler operation     

b)  Size of the furnace 

c)   Grade of the fuel    

d)  Dust content in the fuel is used


45. When is artificial draught preferred?

a)  When quick evacuation of flue gases is required           

b)  When we choose large power plant systems

c) When draught produced by chimney is not sufficient  

d) When there are many components inside the boiler


46. Artificial draught is also called as _______

a) Force draught                                           b) Induced draught                 

c) Balanced draught                                      d) Mechanical draught


47. Which draught system is used as conjunction with chimney draught?

a) Forced steam draught                               b) Forced draught                   

c) Induced draught                                        d) Balanced draught


48. The portion of flue gases carried away to produce draught could be utilized to _______

a) Heat the air entering furnace                   

b)  Blow out the combustion products such as soot and ash

c)   Heat the fuel in ash chamber                    

d)  Support the combustion


49. What is installed to transfer air into furnace in forced draught system?

a) Air blower            b) Tuyeres             c) Draft gauges          d) Cyclone separator


50. Where is blower installed in induced draught system?

a) Near the boiler                                         b) Base of the chimney      

c) Above the boiler                                       d) Between economizer and air preheater



51. How can exhaust gas be recovered in the induced draught?

a)  By installing the forced draught fan at the starting point        

b)  By extending the chimney’s height

c)  By inletting high amount of air from multiple air ducts 

d)  By installing air preheater and economizer along the gas path


52. Which is most preferred type of draught system?

a) Chimney draught                                      b) Fan draught                        

c) Force draught                                            d) Balanced draught


53. How pressure in the furnace is maintained below atmospheric pressure in balanced draught system?

a) By forced draught fan                              b) By induced fan

c) Depends on the height of chimney           d) By installing Natural draught


54. Which type of draught system is used in the locomotives?

a) Natural draught system                           b) Balanced draught system

c) Forced draught system                            d) Induced Steam draught system


55. Which draught system is also known as turbine draught?

a) Forced steam draught                             b) Induced steam draught                 

c) Natural draught                                      d) Fan draught



Composed By:

R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.





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