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Abrasive Jet - Water Jet - Abrasive Water Jet Machining  Ultrasonic  Machining

Abrasive Jet Machining

1. In advanced machining processes, what is the full form of AJM?
a) Automatic Jet Manufacturing
b) Abrasive Jet Machining
c) Automated Jet Machining
d) Abrasive Jet Manufacturing

Answer: b
Explanation: In advanced machining processes, full form of AJM is Abrasive jet machining.

2. In AJM, which of the following materials are used as abrasive grains?
a) Al
b) SiC
c) Glass beads
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: In Abrasive jet machining, any of the particles mentioned above can be used as abrasive grains.

3. In Abrasive jet machining, work piece material of removed by which of the following means?
a) Vaporization
b) Electro plating
c) Mechanical abrasion
d) Corrosion

Answer: c
Explanation: Abrasive particles hit the surface with high pressure and high velocities, which removes the material.


4. Which type of materials can be machined using Abrasive jet machining?
a) Glass
b) Ceramics
c) Hard materials
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: Materials like ceramics, glass, hard and super hard materials can be machined using Abrasive jet machining.

5. In machining system of AJM, which is the medium of carrying the abrasive grains for machining?
a) Liquids
b) Gases
c) Any fluids
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: In AJM, different types of gases are used as the medium for carrying abrasives.

6. In machining system of AJM, what is/are the gas/es used for carrying the abrasives?
a) CO2
b) Air
c) Nitrogen
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: In AJM, gases like CO2, air or nitrogen are used to carry the abrasives.

7. What is the pressure of gas that is to be supplied, for carrying the abrasives?
a) 0.1 to 1.0 kg/cm2
b) 2.0 to 8.0 kg /cm2
c) 10.0 to 18.0 kg/cm2
d) 25.0 to 35.5 kg/cm2

Answer: b
Explanation: The pressure of the carrying gas should range between 2 to 8 kg/cm2.

8. Which of the following gas, should never be used as the carrier of abrasives?
a) Nitrogen
b) CO2
c) Oxygen
d) Air

Answer: c
Explanation: Oxygen should not be used as carrier because it causes a violent chemical reaction with abrasives or work piece.

9. What is the frequency of mixing chamber, consisting of gas and abrasives?
a) 10 Hz
b) 30 Hz
c) 50 Hz
d) 70 Hz

Answer: c
Explanation: Mixing chamber consisting of carrier gas and the abrasive grains, vibrates at a frequency of 50 Hz.

10. In Abrasive jet machining, what may be the size of the abrasive grains used?
a) 10 – 40 µm
b) 50 – 100 µm
c) 100 – 150 µm
d) 200 – 300 µm

Answer: a
Explanation: Abrasive grains of size, between 10 – 40 µm can be used for machining.

11. What are the processes where Abrasive jet machining can be used?
a) Cleaning
b) Cutting
c) Deburring
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Abrasive jet machining can be used for deburring, cutting, cleaning and for many other heavy duty applications.

12. State whether the following statement is true or false.
“In Abrasive jet machining, commercial grades powders can be used for machining.”
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: For AJM, commercial grade powders are not used because their sizes are not classified widely.

13. In machining system of AJM, which of the following controls the relative motion between work piece and nozzle?
a) Cam drives
b) Pantographs
c) Trace mechanisms
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Relative motion in Abrasive jet machining can be controlled by the above mentioned means.

14. Masks, which are used to confine the jet stream location on work piece are made of, which type of materials?
a) Copper
b) Glass
c) Rubber
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Masks can be made of any of the above-mentioned materials.

Water Jet Machining

1. What is the full form of WJM in advanced machining processes?
a) Water Jack Manufacturing
b) Water Jet Machining
c) Water Jet Manufacturing
d) Water Jack Manufacturing

Answer: b
Explanation: The full form of WJM is water jet machining in advanced machining processes.

2. What is the key element of water jet machining for material removal?
a) Tool Holder
b) Work piece
c) Water jet
d) Power source

Answer: c
Explanation: Water jet is the one, which is used to cut the work piece and to remove material.

3. What is the velocity of the water jet stream in water jet machining?
a) 100 m/sec
b) 300 m/sec
c) 700 m/sec
d) 900 m/sec

Answer: d
Explanation: Velocity of water jet stream that is used in Water jet machining is about 900 m/sec.

4. Which of the following is not a part of machining system of Water jet machining?
a) Transducer
b) Accumulator
c) Jet cutting nozzle
d) Hydraulic pump

Answer: a
Explanation: Transducer is not a part of Water jet machining and other components come under WJM.

5. What is the general power rating of the hydraulic pump, used in WJM?
a) 10 kW
b) 20 kW
c) 30 kW
d) 40 kW

Answer: c
Explanation: The power rating of the motor of hydraulic pump, which is used in WJM is about 30 kW.

6. Which of the following are the components of intensifier present in water jet machining system?
a) Piston
b) Plunger
c) Limit switch
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: The above mentioned components are present in the intensifier of water jet machining.

7. Intensifier increases the pressure water by which of the following values?
a) 10 – 100 MPa
b) 100 – 200 MPa
c) 200 – 400 MPa
d) 400 – 1000 MPa

Answer: c
Explanation: Use of intensifier is to increase the inlet water pressure to 200 – 400 MPa.

8. On which property of water, will the accumulator in Water jet machining rely on?
a) Density
b) Compressibility
c) Viscosity
d) Velocity

Answer: b
Explanation: Accumulator relies on compressibility of water (12% at 3800bar), in order to maintain a uniform discharge pressure in WJM.

9. What are the values of typical tube diameters in the machining system in WJM?
a) 0.1 to 1 mm
b) 1 to 6 mm
c) 6 to 14 mm
d) 14 to 25 mm

Answer: c
Explanation: Typical tube diameter values range between 6 to 14 mm.

10. What is the expected life of the nozzles used in WJM?
a) 10 hrs
b) 20 hrs
c) 100 hrs
d) 200 hrs

Answer: d
Explanation: The life that is expected from the nozzle, which is a part of machining system, is 200 hrs.

11. Which of the following does not damage the nozzle used in Water jet machining?
a) Particles of dirt
b) Mineral deposits
c) Water
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: Only dirt particles and mineral deposits are responsible for damage of nozzle.

12. What are the uses of catcher in machining system of Water jet machining?
a) Collecting dirt
b) Collection of debris
c) Reduce noise levels
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Catcher in WJM is used to collect the dirt, machined debris and reduce the noise levels.

13. Distance between which components, is the stand-off distance?
a) Nozzle-inlet and work piece top
b) Nozzle-outlet and work piece-top
c) Nozzle-inlet and work piece-bottom
d) Nozzle-outlet and work piece-bottom

Answer: b
Explanation: Stand-off distance is the distance between the top of work piece and nozzle outlet.

14. What is the value of diameter of the jet cutting nozzle in WJM?
a) 0.01 – 0.1 mm
b) 0.1 – 0.3 mm
c) 0.3 – 0.7 mm
d) 0.7 – 1.5 mm

Answer: b
Explanation: In WJM, diameter of the nozzles range between 0.10 – 0.30 mm.

15. What is the value of stand-off distance in Water jet machining?
a) 0.1 – 1 mm
b) 1 – 2 mm
c) 2 – 6 mm
d) 6 – 14 mm

Answer: c
Explanation: Stand-off distance value ranges between 2.5 – 6 mm in Water jet machining.

Abrasive Water Jet Machining

1. In advanced machining processes, what is the full form of AWJM?
a) Automated Water Jet Machining
b) Automated Water Jet Manufacturing
c) Abrasive Water Jet Machining
d) Abrasive Water Jet Manufacturing

Answer: c
Explanation: Full form of AWJM is Abrasive Water Jet Machining.

2. What are all the types of materials, which can be machined using AWJM?
a) Glass
b) Ceramics
c) Concrete
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Hard to cut materials, which are mentioned above, can be machined using Abrasive water jet machining.

3. When was Abrasive water jet machining developed first?
a) 1942
b) 1958
c) 1974
d) 1980

Answer: c
Explanation: Abrasive water jet machining was first developed in the year 1974.

4. When compared to the conventional machining, how much times faster, is the Abrasive water jet machining?
a) 5 times
b) 10 times
c) 15 times
d) 20 times

Answer: b
Explanation: Abrasive water jet machining is 10 times faster than the conventional machining.

5. What is the percentage of the abrasives and water in the mixture?
a) 20% water and 80% abrasives
b) 80% water and 20% abrasives
c) 30% water and 70% abrasives
d) 70% water and 30% abrasives

Answer: d
Explanation: Abrasive mixture consists of 70 percent water and 30 percent abrasives.

6. What are the materials used for abrasives in Abrasive water jet machining?
a) SiC
b) Corundum
c) Glass beads
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: All of the materials mentioned above can be used for making abrasives in Abrasive water jet machining.

7. In the machining system of AWJM, which one accelerates the abrasives to remove material?
a) Water only
b) Water jet stream
c) Feeder
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Water jet stream accelerates abrasives but not the water only, to remove material.

8. The introduction of compressed air to the water jet enhances the deburring action.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Compressed air increases the pressure energy of the jet stream, which enhances the material removal rate.

9. What is the grain size of abrasive particles, which are often used for Abrasive water jet machining?
a) 0.01 – 0.50 µm
b) 10 – 150 µm
c) 200 – 500 µm
d) 500 – 1000 µm

Answer: b
Explanation: Grain size of the abrasive particles range between 10 – 150 µm in Abrasive water jet machining.

10. How is the material removed in Abrasive water jet machining?
a) Vaporization
b) Electron transfer
c) Corrosion
d) Erosion

Answer: d
Explanation: In Abrasive water jet machining, material removal takes place by the erosion of the work piece material using abrasives accelerated by jet stream.

11. Which of the following is not the feed mechanism of the abrasives in AWJM?
a) Side feed
b) Cross feed
c) Central feed
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Only side feed and central feed are used in Abrasive water jet machining.

12. In Abrasive water jet machining, how are the abrasives fed into the water jet stream?
a) Suspension
b) Injection
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: Abrasives are fed into the water jet stream through suspension or injection.

13. What is the use of delivery system in the machining system of AWJM?
a) To deliver colloidal solution
b) To pump water
c) To fed abrasives
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: In Abrasive water jet machining, water delivery system is used.

14. In Abrasive water jet machining, intensifier is used to deliver which type of pressure?
a) Very low pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Medium pressure
d) High pressure

Answer: d
Explanation: In AWJM, intensifier is used to deliver high pressure water using pistons with it.

15. In mixing chamber of AWJM, which of the following are mixed?
a) Abrasives and colloidal solution
b) Abrasives and water jet
c) Colloidal and water jet
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: In mixing chamber, abrasives and water jet stream are mixed.


1. Who discovered USM?
a) Balamuth
b) Paul O Flawer
c) Turing
d) Steve John

Answer: a
Explanation: Balamuth was the scientist, who discovered Ultrasonic Machining.

2. What is the full form of USM in advanced machining process?
a) Ultrasound manufacturing
b) Ultrasonic machining
c) UV spectrum manufacturing
d) Ultra sonar machining

Answer: b
Explanation: Full form of USM in advanced machining processes, is Ultrasonic machining.

3. USM removes materials using the ____________ tool.
a) Perpendicularly rotating
b) Perpendicularly oscillating
c) Axially oscillating
d) Inclined oscillating

Answer: c
Explanation: Material is removed using axial oscillating tool.

4. Which is softer material in USM?
a) Tool
b) Work piece
c) Tool & Work piece
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Tool is softer than work piece in USM.

5. Frequency of tool’s oscillation in USM ranges between ________
a) 5-10 kHz
b) 10-15 kHz
c) 18-20 kHz
d) 25-50 kHz

Answer: c
Explanation: Frequency used in USM is between 18 – 20 kHz.

6. Amplitude of oscillation of tool in USM ranges between ________
a) 0.1-10 μm
b) 10-40 μm
c) 50-100 μm
d) 100-1000 μm

Answer: b
Explanation: The optimal range used is between 10-40 μm.

7. In which year, discovery of USM took place?
a) 1910
b) 1925
c) 1943
d) 1945

Answer: d
Explanation: Ultrasonic Machining was discovered in 1945.

8. The machining system of USM contains which of the following components?
a) Magnetostrictor
b) Concentrator
c) Tools and slurry
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: In machining system of USM, the above-mentioned components have to be present.

9. In Ultrasonic Machining, Magnetostrictor is energized at ultrasonic frequency.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: To oscillate, magnetostrictor must be energized to the ultrasonic frequency in USM.

10. Of the following scientists, who discovered magnetostrictor effect?
a) Balamuth
b) Steve O Flawer
c) Joule
d) Turing

Answer: c
Explanation: This effect was discovered by Joule in 1874 at Manchester.

11. In Ultrasonic Machining, magnetostrictor converts magnetic energy into which type of energy?
a) Mechanical energy
b) Electrical energy
c) Thermal energy
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Oscillation of magnetostrictor takes place by converting magnetic energy to mechanical energy.

12. What is the value of the amplitude obtained without mechanical amplifier?
a) 0.0001 – 0.001 µm
b) 0.001 – 0.1 µm
c) 1 – 10 µm
d) 10 – 100 µm

Answer: b
Explanation: Relatively very small amplitudes are obtained without amplifier.

13. What is the value of the amplitude obtained when we use mechanical amplifier?
a) 1 – 10 µm
b) 10 – 40 µm
c) 40 – 50 µm
d) 50 – 100 µm

Answer: c
Explanation: Relatively larger amplitudes are obtained when amplifier is used.

14. In USM, tool tips must have low resistance and fatigue strength.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: In USM, tool tips should must have high wear resistance and fatigue strength.

15. At what rate slurry is pumped through nozzle in USM?
a) 10 L/min
b) 25 L/min
c) 50 L/min
d) 75 L/min

Answer: b
Explanation: Slurry is pumped through nozzle at the rate of 25 L/min, L- litres.

Ref: https://www.sanfoundry.com/advanced-machining-questions-answers-water-jet-machining-introduction-machining-system/
