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Sunday 26 April 2020


(constant pressure cycle)
(Rudolf Diesel)
Applicable in CI Engines
(1-2): Isentropic Compression:
        During isentropic compression the volume Vdecreased upto Vdue to piston movement from BDC (Bottom Dead Center) to TDC (Top Dead Center). Therefore the pressure raised from Pto P2. So, the temperature also increased from Tto T2. During isentropic (S= S2) there is no transfer of heat. 
Q1-2 = 0
(2-3): Heat Supplied (Qs) at Constant Pressure:
        During constant pressure process, from the volume V2  to V3. At the end of compression, the diesel fuel injected from fuel injector and combustion takes place. During 2-3, the pressure Pequal to Pand temperature increased from Tto Tmaximum. 
Q2-3 = m.CP.dt
Q2-3 Qs = m.CP.(T-T2)
(3-4): Isentropic Expansion:
        During isentropic expansion the volume Vincreased to Vdue to piston movement from TDC (Top Dead Center) to BDC (Bottom Dead Center). Therefore the pressure decreased from Pto P4. So,  the temperature also increased from Tto T4. During isentropic (S= S4) there is no transfer of heat. 
Q3-4 = 0
(4-1): Heat Rejected (QR) at Constant Volume:
        During constant volume process the volume V4  equal to V1. At the end of expansion, the exhaust valve starts to open and leaving exhaust gases (heat rejected) from cylinder. During 4-1, the pressure decreased from Pto Pand temperature decreased from Tto Tminimum. 
Q4-1 = m.CV.dt
Q4-1 Q= m.CV.(T-T1)

The air standard efficiency of DIESEL cycle is depends  on 'r' (compression ratio) and 'rc' (cutoff ratio).

Composed by:  R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso Prof., email: rsatheeshemail@gmail.com.

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