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Tuesday 2 March 2021






Short Answer Questions



What is meant by gas turbine and state the working principal?

What are the main components of gas turbine?

What are major fields of application of gas turbines?

State the assumptions made for thermal efficiency of a gas turbine plant.

Draw the line diagram of a closed cycle gas turbine and also draw its T-S diagram.

How the gas turbines are classified?

What are the limitations of gas turbines?

What are the various methods to improve the thermal efficiency of an open cycle gas turbines?

Draw the T-S diagram of a reheating gas turbine cycle.

Define the term “compressor efficiency”.

Define the term “turbine efficiency”.

What is the purpose of inter cooling in gas turbine and where the intercoolers are applicable in gas turbines?

What is condition for determine the intermediate pressure in multistage compressor?

List out the differences between the open cycle gas turbines and closed cycle gas turbines.

Define the term “effectiveness”.

What are effects of operating variables on thermal efficiency in gas turbines?

Define the terms thrust power and propulsion efficiency.

What is meant by thrust augmentation? When is it necessary?

Write the principle of jet propulsion and classify the jet propulsive engines.

Explain solid propellant rocket engine.

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com

Short Answer Questions-STEAM TURBINES



Short Answer Questions



State the “law of conservation of energy” in steam turbines.

How the steam turbines are classified?

Give the working principle of an impulse turbine.

How does reaction turbine work?

What is the fundamental difference between the operation of impulse and reaction steam turbines?

What is the need for compounding in steam turbines?

What are the methods of compounding in steam turbines?

Define the termdegree of reaction.

Define the termnozzle efficiency”.

Define the term “blading efficiency”.

Define the term “stage efficiency” and how it’s related to nozzle and blade efficiencies?

Draw the combined velocity triangle diagram of “De Laval” impulse turbine.

Draw the combined velocity triangle diagram of “Parson’s” reaction turbine.

State the function of fixed and moving blades.

What are the various losses in steam turbines?

Define the term “blade velocity coefficient”.

Define the term “blade speed ratio”.

State the necessity of governing of steam turbine.

What are the various methods of governing systems in steam turbines?

Where the nozzle governing and by - pass governing is more suitable?

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com






Short Answer Questions


What is the function of steam nozzle?

Explain the working principle of a nozzle.

What are the various types of nozzles and their functions?

When and where the convergent-divergent nozzle is applicable?

What is critical pressure ratio of a steam nozzle?

What is the effect of friction on the flow through a steam nozzle?

Explain supersaturated flow (or) meta stable flow in steam nozzles.

Define nozzle efficiency.

What are the parameters affect the nozzle efficiency?

Define nozzle velocity coefficient and how it is related to nozzle efficiency?

What is the function of steam condenser?

How the steam condensers are classified?

Differentiate between mixing and non-mixing condensers.

What is meant by dry and wet air pumps?

Why there is a need of an air extraction pump in the condenser?

What are the sources of air leakages into a condenser?

Define the term “vacuum efficiency”.

Define the term “condenser efficiency”.

Define the term “vacuum measurements”.

State Dalton’s law of partial pressure.

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com

Short Answer Questions-BOILERS AND DRAUGHT



Short Answer Questions


What are the requirements of a good steam boiler?

How the steam boilers are classified?

Write the difference between fire tube and water tube boilers.

What are the major differences between boiler mountings and boiler accessories? Give the examples of each.

Explain the use of following: (i) water level indicator, (ii) pressure gauge.

What is the function of fusible plug and man hole in boilers?

Define the term “equivalent evaporation”.

Define the term “factor of evaporation”.

Define the term “boiler efficiency”.

What are the various heat losses in boilers?

What is the difference between subcritical and supercritical boiler?

Explain why air preheaters are used in a high pressure boiler?

State which type of boiler is used for power generation.

What are the various applications of locomotive boilers?

Define the term Draught and mention the types.

Write the basic functions of a chimney in a natural draught.

What is artificial draught in thermal power plant?

What is FD fan in boiler?

Why are ID fans bigger than FD fans?

Compare force and induced draught.

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com

Short Answer Questions-STEAM POWER CYCLE



Short Answer Questions



State the essential differences between Carnot and Rankine cycles.

What are the limitations on increasing the mean temperature of heat addition in a Rankine cycle?

Explain the concept of Mean temperature of heat addition.

Define the term degree of super heat and degree of sub cooling.

What are the effects of condenser pressure on the Rankine Cycle?

Draw the different processes of Rankine cycle on a T-S diagram. Mention the different operations of Rankine cycle.

What are the advantages of super heating of steam?

Mention the improvements made to increase the ideal efficiency of Rankine cycle.

What is the purpose of reheating?

Why reheat cycle is not used for low boiler pressure?

Define specific steam consumption of an ideal Rankine cycle.

Define the term “steam rate”.

Define the term “heat rate”.

What are the various losses occurs in actual vapour cycle?

Draw the P-V diagram and T-s diagram of Reheat cycle.

Draw diagram of reheat cycle’ and state the advantages and disadvantages of reheating.

How does Regeneration improve the performance of Rankine cycle?

Mention the advantages and disadvantages of regenerative cycle.

What is binary vapour power cycle?

How do binary cycle power plants work?

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com