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Tuesday 2 March 2021

Short Answer Questions-STEAM TURBINES



Short Answer Questions



State the “law of conservation of energy” in steam turbines.

How the steam turbines are classified?

Give the working principle of an impulse turbine.

How does reaction turbine work?

What is the fundamental difference between the operation of impulse and reaction steam turbines?

What is the need for compounding in steam turbines?

What are the methods of compounding in steam turbines?

Define the termdegree of reaction.

Define the termnozzle efficiency”.

Define the term “blading efficiency”.

Define the term “stage efficiency” and how it’s related to nozzle and blade efficiencies?

Draw the combined velocity triangle diagram of “De Laval” impulse turbine.

Draw the combined velocity triangle diagram of “Parson’s” reaction turbine.

State the function of fixed and moving blades.

What are the various losses in steam turbines?

Define the term “blade velocity coefficient”.

Define the term “blade speed ratio”.

State the necessity of governing of steam turbine.

What are the various methods of governing systems in steam turbines?

Where the nozzle governing and by - pass governing is more suitable?

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com

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