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Tuesday 2 March 2021

Short Answer Questions-BOILERS AND DRAUGHT



Short Answer Questions


What are the requirements of a good steam boiler?

How the steam boilers are classified?

Write the difference between fire tube and water tube boilers.

What are the major differences between boiler mountings and boiler accessories? Give the examples of each.

Explain the use of following: (i) water level indicator, (ii) pressure gauge.

What is the function of fusible plug and man hole in boilers?

Define the term “equivalent evaporation”.

Define the term “factor of evaporation”.

Define the term “boiler efficiency”.

What are the various heat losses in boilers?

What is the difference between subcritical and supercritical boiler?

Explain why air preheaters are used in a high pressure boiler?

State which type of boiler is used for power generation.

What are the various applications of locomotive boilers?

Define the term Draught and mention the types.

Write the basic functions of a chimney in a natural draught.

What is artificial draught in thermal power plant?

What is FD fan in boiler?

Why are ID fans bigger than FD fans?

Compare force and induced draught.

Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com

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