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Monday 19 April 2021

Objective Questions- Nuclear and Thermal Power Plant


Nuclear Power Plant


Uranium-238 is represented by 92U238. What does it represent?                              

(a) 92 neutrons and 238 protons                 (b) 92 protons and 238 neutrons

(c) 92 neutrons and 146 protons                  (d) 92 protons and 146 neutrons

The half-life of radioactive radon is 3.8 days. The time at the end of which 1/20th   of the Radon sample will remain undecayed will be             

(a) 3.8 days                 (b) 16.5 day               (c) 33 days                 (d) 76 days

Consider the following nuclear fuels:

1. Pu239                      2. U235                     3. U233                     4. Th232

What  is  the  correct  sequence  of  the  above  nuclear  fuels  in  order  of increasing half-life?  

(a) 1-2-3-4                   (b) 1-3-2-4                 (c) 2-4-3-1                 (d) 4-1-2-3

S.l. unit for radioactivity is                                                                                             

(a) Joule                       (b) amu                      (c) Curie                     (d) Becquerel

What is the function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor?                                             

(a) It serves as a coolant

(b) It serves as a moderator

(c) It serves as a coolant as well as a moderator

(d) It serves as a neutron absorber

The most commonly used moderator in nuclear power plants is    

(a) Heavy water            (b) concrete and bricks        (c) steel           (d) graphite


With natural uranium, which of the following is used as moderator?

(a) Heavy water                                            (b) Graphite

(c) Beryllium                                                 (d) All the above


Shielding in a nuclear reactor is generally done to protect against

(a) Excess electrons                                      (b) X-rays                                       

(c) α-and β-rays                                            (d) neutron and gamma rays


Which one of the following statements is correct?                                                        

The nuclear radiators produced in a reactor, which must be shielded, are:

(a) Electrons only                                          (b) Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays

(c) Neutrons and Gamma rays                      (d) Electrons and Gamma rays


Which one of the following pairs of materials is used as moderators in nuclear reactors?                    

               (a) Heavy water and zirconium                    (b) Zirconium and beryllium

(c) Cadmium and beryllium                         (d) Beryllium and heavy water.


A nuclear unit becoming critical means:                                                                       

(a) It is generating power to rated capacity

(b) It is capable of generating power much more than the rated capacity

(c) There is danger of nuclear spread

(d)  Chain  reaction  that  causes  automatic  splitting  of  the  fuel  nuclei  has  been established


Which one of the following is correct?                                                                           

A nuclear reactor is said to be critical when the neutron population in the reactor core is

(a) Rapidly increasing leading to the point of explosion

(b) Decreasing from a specific value

(c) Reduced to zero

(d) constant


Assertion (A):  Pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants use superheated steam.

Reason (R)   : An increase in the superheat at constant pressure increases the cycle efficiency.

           (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true


Assertion (A):  The thermal efficiency of a nuclear power plant using a boiling water reactor is

                        higher than of a plant using a pressurized water reactor.

Reason (R)   : In a boiling water reactor, steam is directly allowed to be generated in the reactor itself, whereas in a pressurized water reactor, steam is generated in a separate boiler by heat exchanger device using water of the primary circuit which absorbs the fission energy.                                                             (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true


Assertion (A): A breeder reactor does not require moderator.                                      

Reason (R)     : The parasite absorption of neutrons is low.

(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true


Enriched uranium is required as fuel in a nuclear reactor, if light water is used as moderator and coolant, because light water has                                                                                       

               (a) High neutron absorption cross- section.

(b) Low moderating efficiency.

(c) High neutron scatter cross-section.

(d) Low neutron absorption cross - section.


 Which one of the following statements is correct?                                                       

 The mass defect is

(a) A characteristic of certain elements

(b) A term used to prove the relationship between mass and energy of fission energy

(c) A measure

(d)  The  difference  between  mass  of  the  nucleus  and  sum  of  the  masses  of  the nucleons


A sodium graphite reactor uses sodium                                                                          

(a) As coolant and graphite as moderator

(b) As moderator and graphite as coolant

(c) With graphite as moderator and water as coolant

(d) As moderator and sodium, graphite and water together as coolant


What is the purpose of a moderator in a nuclear reactor?

(a) Moderate the fission temperature

(b) Reduce the speed of fast moving neutrons

(c) Reduce β and γ rays

(d) Absorb excess neutrons in the reactor


The function of the moderator in a nuclear reactor is to                                                 

(a) stop chain reaction                      (b) reduce the speed of the neutrons

(c) absorb neutrons                          (d) reduce temperature


Consider the following statements:                                                                                

1. Breeder reactor produces more plutonium than what it consumes.

2. Zirconium is used as a shield material

3. Lead is the commonly used moderator

Of these, the ones which are not correct will include:

(a) 1, 2 and 3              (b) 1 and 2                 (c) 2 and 3                 (d) 1 and 3


 Which one of the following types of nuclear reactor DOES NOT require a heat exchanger?             

               (a) Boiling water                                           (b) Pressurized water

(c) Sodium-cooled                                        (d) Gas-cooled


The boiler used in the Nuclear Power Station at Tarapur, is of the

(a) Pressurized water type                            (b) boiling water type                     

(c) Gas cooled type                                      (d) liquid metal cooled type


The moderator used in a fast breeder nuclear reactor is                                                 

(a) Graphite or liquid sodium

(b) Graphite or beryllium oxide.

(c) Graphite, liquid sodium or beryllium oxide

(d) None of the above


 A fast breeder reactor uses which one of the following as fuel?                                   

(a) Thorium                 (b) U235                    (c) Plutonium             (d) Enriched uranium


In fast breeder reactor

(a) the moderator used is water                       (b) the moderator used is graphite

(c) the moderator used is carbon dioxide          (d) no moderator is used


A nuclear fission is initiated when the critical energy as compared to neutron binding energy of the atoms is

(a) same           (b) more           (c) less             (d) there is no such criterion


The most practical fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, both from economical and nuclear consideration is

(a) Plutonium              (b) Uranium                 (c) Deuterium              (d) Thorium


A power plant giving least running cost of production of electrical power is

(a) steam power plant                          (b) gas turbine power plant

(c) hydro electric power plant             (d) nuclear power plant


The breeding gain in case of thermal breeder reactor as compared to fast breeder reactor is

(a) same           (b) lower          (c) higher         (d) unity


The energy produced by a thermal reactor of same size as a breeder reactor is

(a) almost same           (b) slightly more          (c) slightly less (d) much less


Which of the following nuclear reactor does not need a heat exchanger for generation of steam?

(a) gas cooled      (b) liquid metal cooled     (c) pressurized water      (d) boiling water


The commonly used material for shielding is

(a) lead or concrete     (b) lead and tin     (c) graphite or cadmium    (d) thick galvanized sheets


When a reactor becomes critical, then the production of neutrons is

(a) infinite                   (b) zero                        (c) initiated

(d) exactly balanced by the loss of neutrons through leakage


A nuclear unit becoming critical means

(a) it is generating power to rated capacity

(b) it is capable of generating much more than rated capacity

(c) there is danger of nuclear spread

(d) chain reaction that causes automatic splitting of the fuel nuclei has been established


The predominant isotope of the naturally occurring element is

(a) U₂₃₅           (b) U₂₃₈          (c) Pu₂₃₃         (d) Pu₂₃₉


The function of control rods in nuclear plants is to

(a) control temperature                        (b) control radioactive pollution

(c) control absorption of neutron        (d) control fuel consumption


Reflector in nuclear plants is used to

(a) return the neutrons back into the core       (b) shield the radioactivity completely

(c) check pollution                                          (d) conserve energy


The energy released during the fission of one atom of Uranium 235 in million electron volts is about

(a) 100             (b) 200             (c) 300             (d) 400


Boiling water reactor employs

(a) boiler                                                                (b) direct cycle of coolant system      

(c) double circuit system of coolant cycle                  (d) multi passes system




Thermal Power Plant


In thermal power plants, coal is transferred from bunker to the other places by                           

                 (a) Hoists                    (b) conveyors             (c) cranes                    (d) lifts


The correct sequence of factors in order of deceasing importance for location of a thermal power plant is

              (a) load, coal, water                                        (b) coal, water, load

(c) Water, load, coal          (d) water, coal, load


The efficiency of superheat Rankine cycle is higher than that of simple Rankine cycle because

                 (a) The enthalpy of main steam is higher for superheat cycle

(b) The mean temperature of heat addition is higher for superheat cycle

(c) The temperature of steam in the condenser is high

(d) The quality of stem in the condenser is low


In a Rankine cycle, regeneration results in higher efficiency because

(a) Pressure inside the boiler increases                                                         

(b) Heat is added before steam enters the low pressure turbine

(c) Average temperature of heat addition in the boiler increases

(d) Total work delivered by the turbine increases


For a given set of operating pressure limits of a Rankine cycle, the highest, efficiency occurs for     

            (a) Saturated cycle                                       (b) Superheated cycle

(c) Reheat cycle                                            (d) Regenerative cycle.


In steam and other vapour cycles, the process of removing non-condensable is called                     

                 (a) Scavenging process                                  (b) Deaeration process

(c) Exhaust process                                       (d) Condensation process


Consider the following processes:                                                                                  

1. Constant pressure heat addition.

2. Adiabatic compression.

3. Adiabatic expansion.

4. Constant pressure heat rejection.

The correct sequence of these processes in Rankine cycle is:

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4                 (b) 2, 1, 4, 3               (c) 2, 1, 3, 4               (d) 1, 2, 4, 3


Assertion (A): Rankine cycle is preferred for waste heat recovery.                              

Reason (R): Rankine cycle gives high thermal efficiency even at low temperatures compared to other dynamic energy conversion systems

(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true


Consider the following statements regarding superheating Rankine Cycles:

1. It reduces the specific steam consumption.                                                   

2. It increases the dryness fraction of steam at the exhaust for the same value of condenser pressure.

3. It reduces the cycle efficiency.

Of the these statements

(a) 1 and 2 are correct                                             (b) 2 and 3 are correct

(c) 1and 3 are correct                                               (d) 1,2 and 3 are correct


Which among the following is the boiler mounting?                                               

(a) Blow off cock       (b) Feed pump             (c) Economiser                                                (d) Superheater


Heat is mainly transferred by conduction, convection and radiation in

(a) Insulated pipes carrying hot water                                                                

(b) Refrigerator freezer coil

(c) Boiler furnaces

(d)condensation of steam in a condenser


Assertion (A): Fire tube boilers do not operate at high pressures while water tube boilers operate at high pressures                                                                                                              

Reason (R): Due to high temperature of flue gases, fire tubes may fail due to creep.

                 (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true



Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com