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Wednesday 29 March 2023



Chemical Machining


Electro Chemical Machining

What are the advantages when we use Chemical milling process?

a) Weight reduction    b) No burrs     c) No stresses d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: d

Explanation: All the advantages mentioned above, can be obtained using Chemical milling process.


Weight reduction is possible, on which type of contours?

a) Very simple            b) Simple        c) Complex     d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: Weight reduction can be possible using Chemical milling, on complex contours, compared to conventional machining.


Simultaneous material removal using Chemical milling, results in which of the following?

a) Improves productivity        b) Reduces wrapping  c) Minimizing part distortion d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: d

Explanation: All the factor mentioned above occur, when we use Chemical milling for material removal.


Which type of taper can be achieved, using Chemical milling, on contours?

a) Discontinuous        b) Continuous             c) Periodic      d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: Using Chemical milling, a continuous taper, on contours can be achieved.


Which of the following, are the other advantages of CHM?

a) Design changes       b) Less skilled operator          c) Minor tooling costs            d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: d

Explanation: All of the advantages mentioned above, are obtained using CHM.


Which of the following is not a limitation of Chemical milling process?

a) Steep tapers not practical     b) Low scrap rates    c) Less scribing accuracy       d) Deep narrow cuts

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Answer: b

Explanation: Low scrap rates are possible in Chemical milling, which is an advantage to the process.


What is the approximate value of faraday’s constant?
a) 65,200 C       b) 53,800 C        c) 96,500 C         d) 85,600 C
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Answer: c
Explanation: 1 faraday equals to approximately 96500 C.


In the following ratios of metal dissolved amounts, which one represent the current efficiency?
a) Observed to theoretical             b) Theoretical to observed
c) All of the mentioned                 d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In electrochemical machining, current efficiency is the ratio of observed amount of metal dissolved to the theoretical amount of metal dissolved.


Apparent current efficiency is due to which of the following factors?
a) Choice of wrong valence                          b) Passivation of anodic surface
c) Gas evolution at anode                             d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Current efficiency may be apparent because of choice of wrong valence, passivation of anodic surface or gas evolution at anodic surface.


If there is a change in the selected machining conditions, it will have impact on which of the following?
a) Process accuracy                                                      b) Surface finish
c) Process accuracy & Surface finish                          d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Selected machining conditions should remain unchanged, because, it will have a direct impact on accuracy and surface finish.


Surface roughness depends on current density, which is affected by which of the following?
a) Tool feed rate                                  b) Gap voltage
c) Work piece material                        d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Roughness depend on current density, which is affected by tool feed rate, gap voltage, work material, pH number, temperature, conductivity and pressure.


Machining conditions leading to high accuracy are associated with ________ surface roughness and ________ productivity.
a) Greater, greater            b) Smaller, greater            c) Greater, smaller             d) Smaller, smaller
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Answer: b
Explanation: Accuracy is associated with smaller surface roughness and greater machining productivity.


Which of the following come under the main components of ECM?
a) Feed control system                                     b) Work piece holding devices
c) Electrolyte supply system                            d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The main components of Electro chemical machining include feed control system, electrolyte supply system, power supply unit, work piece holding devices.


Feed control system is responsible for which action in ECM?
a) Giving feed to tool                                b) Electrolyte supply
c) Power supply                                        d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Feed control system is used for feeding the tool at constant rate during equilibrium machining.


In ECM equipment, what is the role of electrolyte supply system?
a) Giving feed to tool                             b) Electrolyte supply
c) Power supply                                      d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the name itself indicates, electrolyte supply system is used to supply the electrolyte required for anodic dissolution.


What are the main functions of electrolyte in Electrochemical machining?
a) Conduct machining current                                 b) Removal of debris
c) Maintaining constant temperature                       d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Main functions of electrolyte are conducting machine current, removing the debris, carrying away the heat, maintaining constant temperature.


Electrolytic solution should ensure which type of anodic dissolution?
a) Uniform                                             b) Non-uniform
c) Low speed                                         d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Uniform and high speed anodic dissolution must be ensured by the electrolyte.


State whether the following statement is true or false regarding the electrolytic solution.
“In ECM, formation of passive film is recommended.”
a) True              b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electrolytic solution should avoid formation of passive layers on anode.



Ref: https://www.sanfoundry.com/advanced-machining-questions-answers-edm-applications-1/

