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Thursday 29 July 2021

Short Answer Questions- AIR COMPRESSOR


Classify the various types of air compressors.

What is meant by single acting compressors?

What is meant by single stage compressor?

What is meant by double acting compressor?

Indicate the application of reciprocating compressors in industry?

What are the advantages of multi stage compression with internal cooling over single stage compression for the same pressure ratio?


What is meant by free air delivered?

Define the terms as applied to air compressors: volumetric efficiency and isothermal efficiency.


Define the mechanical efficiency and isothermal efficiency of a reciprocating air compressor.

Define clearance ratio?

Discuss the effect of clearance upon the performance of an air compressor.

Give two merits of rotary compressor over reciprocating compressor.

Name the methods adopted for increasing isothermal efficiency of reciprocating air compressor.

What is meant by inter cooler?

What are the factors that affect the volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating compressor?

What is compression ratio?

Draw the p-v diagram of a two-stage reciprocating air compressor.

Give some examples for positive displacement compressor.

What is the difference between complete or perfect inter cooling and incomplete or imperfect inter cooling?


How the rotary compressors are classified?

Composed By:      
R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,
E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com 




What are the various performance parameters in IC engines?

Define indicated power?

Define brake power?

Define frictional power?

What is meant by mean effective pressure

What is meant by indicated thermal efficiency?

What is meant by brake thermal efficiency?

What is meant by brake specific fuel consumption?

Define volumetric efficiency?

Define relative efficiency or efficiency ratio?

What is meant by heat balance sheet and what are the various items followed in it?

What are the various method involved to measurement of air consumption?

What is meant by dynamometer and how they are classified?

What is meant by Morse test in IC engine?

Why is Morse test conducted at constant speed?

What is meant by Willian’s line method?

What is meant by motoring test?

How can we increase the efficiency of IC engine?

Why is higher compression more efficient?

What happens if engine compression is too high?

Composed By:      
R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

 E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com  

Short Answer Questions- COMBUSTION IN IC ENGINES



  • What is meant by abnormal combustion in SI engine?

  • Define octane number?

  • Discuss the factors which promote pre-ignition?

  • What are the basic requirements of SI engine combustion chamber?

  • Name any two chemicals that can be used as additives in SI engine?

  • Describe the term knock rating of fuels.

  • How are the SI engine fuels rated? What do you understand by octane number-100?

  • Discuss about compression ratio and inlet temperature of mixture for operating variables on detonation.

  • How does detonation affect engine performance in SI engines?

  • Discuss about spark timing, engine speed and size of bore for operating variables on detonation.

  • Define cetane number?

  • Briefly explain the importance of flame speed on combustion?

  • What is the range of overall A/F ratio in a CI engine combustion chamber?

  • How do the injection timing and fuel quality affect the engine knock?

  • What is the role of ignition accelerators in CI engines, name one ignition accelerator?

  • How CI engine fuels are rated? Explain

  • Define swirl, squish and turbulence in CI engine

  • List out the advantages and disadvantages of non-turbulence combustion chamber?

  • List out the advantages and disadvantages of turbulence combustion chamber?

  • Enlist the various methods of controlling diesel knock?

Composed By:      
R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com  




List the various components of engine.

What is the function of camshaft and crank shaft?

Differentiate between SI and CI Engines?

Differentiate between 2- Stroke and 4-Stroke engines?

Draw the valve timing diagram of SI engines with theoretical values.

Draw the port timing diagram of CI engines with theoretical values.

What is meant by valve overlapping?

What do you mean by scavenging?

What are the various types and functions of piston rings?

What are the various important elements of fuel feed system in SI engines?

Why choke is used in carburetor and what is meant by automatic chocking?

Mention the various circuits in modern carburetor?

What is the purpose of providing spark plug in SI engine?

What are the various important elements of fuel feed system in CI engines?

What are various types of cooling systems in IC engines?

What is the purpose of a thermostat in an engine cooling system?

Mention the various types of lubricating systems in IC engines?

Mention the various types of ignition systems in IC engines?

What is the function of contact breaker in ignition systems?

What is the function of ignition coil?

Composed By:      
R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,
E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com 

Short Answer Questions-GAS POWER CYCLES



  • What is thermodynamic cycle?

  • What are the assumptions made for air standard cycle analysis?

  • Mention the various thermodynamic processes in dual combustion cycle.

  • Define air standard cycle efficiency.

  • Name the factors that affect air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle

  • For the same compression ratio and heat supplied, state the order of decreasing air standard efficiency of Otto, Diesel and dual cycle.

  • What is the effect of cut-off ratio on the efficiency of diesel cycle when the compression ratio is kept constant?

  • Which cycle is more efficient with respect to the same compression ratio?

  • Define mean effective pressure as applied to gas power cycles.

  • Define the term compression ratio

  • Define the term cut off ratio.

  • How actual cycle does deviates from fuel-air cycle?

  • What is the effect of dissociation in the engine performance?

  • Write down mean effective pressure for Otto cycle?

  • Write down mean effective pressure for Diesel cycle?

  • Explain the term time loss factor?

  • Define the term head loss factor?

  • Briefly explain about blow down losses?

  • Explain rubbing friction factor?

  • Write the equation of air standard efficiency for diesel cycle with PV and TS diagram?

Composed By:      

R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com 

Monday 5 July 2021

Objective Questions- Energy Management, Economics and Environmental Issues


“The judicious and effective use of energy to maximise profits and enhance competitive positions”. This can be the definition of:

a) Energy conservation                                              b) Energy management

c) Energy policy                                                           d) Energy Audit

The objective of energy management includes

a)   Minimising energy costs                                      b) minimising waste

c)   Minimising environmental degradation          d) all the above

The ratio of current year’s production to the reference year’s production is called as. (EA/EM)

a) demand factor             b) production factor

c) utilisation factor         d) load factor


Replacement of steam based hot water generation by solar system is an example of

a)   matching energy usage to the requirement        

b)   maximising system efficiency

c)   Energy substitution

d)  Performance improvement


One unit of electricity is equivalent to         kcal heat units.

a) 800                 b)  860                 c) 400                 d) 680


The benchmarking parameter for air conditioning equipment is

a) kW/Ton of Refrigeration                       b) kW/ kg of refrigerant handled

c) kcal/m3 of chilled water                         d) Differential temperature across chiller


The percentage of energy saved at the current rate of use, compared to the reference year rate of use, is called

a) Energy Utilization                                   b) Energy Performance

c) Energy Efficiency                                     d) None

Which instrument is used to monitor O2, CO in flue gas? (EA)

a) Combustion analyzer                              b) Power analyzer

c) Pyrometer                                                  d) Fyrite

Lux meter is used to measure…… (EA)

a) Illumination level                     b) Sound intensity and illumination level

c) Harmonics                                  d) Speed


For a cement plant the parameter, “kWh/MT of clinker “indicates

a) Energy Index parameter                        b) Utility factor

c) Production factor                                     d) load factor


Energy manger should be well versed with

a) Manufacturing and processing skills   b) Managerial and technical skills

c) Technical and marketing skills             d) Managerial and commercial skills


An energy policy does not include

a)  Target energy consumption reduction

b)  Time period for reduction

c)  Declaration of top management commitment

d)  Future production projection


CO2 measurement of Fyrite kit is based on (EA)

a) Weight basis (dry)                                    b) Volume basis (dry)

c) Weight basis (wet)                                    d) Volume basis (wet)

Non contact speed measurements can be carried out by

a) Tachometer                 b) Stroboscope

c) Oscilloscope                d) Speedometer

The tool used for performance assessment and logical evaluation of avenues for improvement in Energy management and audit is

a) Fuel substitution                       b) Monitoring and verification

c) Energy pricing                            d) Bench marking

Infrared thermometer is used to measure

a) Surface temperature                b) Flame temperature

c) Flue gas temperature               d) Hot water temperature


Find out the ‘odd’ among the following choices for fuel substitution for industrial sector of India.

a) LDO with LSHS                                        b) coal with rice husk

c) natural gas for fertilizer plant                d) LPG for soft coke


The various types of the instruments, which requires during audit need to be

a) easy to carry                                               b) easy to operate

c) inexpensive                                                 d) all the above

Air velocity in ducts can be measured by using         and manometer

a) Orifice meter                                             b) Borden gauge

c) Pitot tube                                                   d) Anemometer


Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com