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Monday 5 July 2021

Objective Questions- Gas Turbine Power Plant and Renewable Energy Sources

Gas Turbine Power Plant


Brayton cycle is used in ..........

A. SI engine                       B. CI engine                       C. Ram jet engine                            D. Gas turbine 

Which of the following is a types of gas turbine power plant ?

A. Open               B. Single acting                C. Double acting              D. None of these 


Brayton cycle is also called as ..........

A. Otto cycle                      B. Joule cycle                    C. Diesel cycle                   D. Carnot cycle 


Which cycle is air standard cycle for a gas turbine?

A. Brayton cycle               B. Otto cycle                      C. Carnot cycle                  D. Reheat cycle 


Brayton cycle is consist of ..........

A. Two constant volume process and two constant pressure process 

B. Two constant pressure process and two isentropic process 

C. Two isobaric process and two isentropic process 

D. Two isothermal process and two constant volume process. 


Gas turbine is a .............. types of combustion chamber. 

A. Internal                         B. External                        C. Open               D. None of these 


When Reheating in gas turbine then ...........

A. Decreased compressor work                                 B. Increased compressor work

C. Decreased gas turbine work                                  D. Increased gas turbine work


Efficiency of gas turbine is increased by using........

A. Inter cooling                B. Reheating                     C. Adding a generator                    D. All of above 

Which fuel mainly used in gas turbine power plant. 

A. Gas oil             B. Coal and peat               C. Natural gas & liquid petroleum fuel     D. Kerosene oil


Which is main component in gas turbine plant ?

A. Boiler              B. Condenser                    C. Compressor                  D. Nozzle




1. The function of a solar collector is to convert.......

   A.Solar Energy into Electricity                                  B.Solar Energy radiation

   C.Solar Energy thermal energy                                 D.Solar Energy mechanical energy

2. Most of the solar radiation received on earth surface lies within the range of........

   A.0.2 to 0.4 microns                      B.0.38 to 0.78 microns

   C.0 to 0.38 microns                       D.0.5 to 0.8 microns

3. For satellite the source of energy is........

   A.Cryogenic storage                       B.Battery

   C.Solar cell                                       D.Any of the above


4. Reflecting mirrors used for exploiting solar energy are called........

   A.Mantle             B.Ponds               C.Diffusers                        D.Heliostats


5. The output of solar cell is of the order of........

   A.1 W                   B.5 W                   C.10 W                 D.20 W


6. Flat plate collector absorbs.......

   A.Direct radiation only                 B.Diffuse radiation only

   C.Direct and diffuse both             D.All of the above

7. A pyranometer is used for mesurement of........

   A.Direct radiation only                                B.Diffuse radiation only

   C.Direct as well as diffuse radiation         D.All of the above

8. Most widely used solar material is........

   A.Arsenic            B.Cadmium                      C.Silicon             D.Steel


9. Photovoltaic cell or solar cell converts........

   A.Thermal energy into electricity                             B.Electromagnetic radiation directly into electricity

   C.Solar radiation into thermal energy                     D.Solar radiation into kinetic energy

10.Temperature attained by a flat-plate collector is of the........

   A.Order of about 900C                  B.Range of 1000C to 1500C

   C.Above 1500C                                 D.None of the above


11. What does Heating and cooling of the atmosphere generates?
a) Thermo line circulation           b) Radiation currents
c) Convection currents                  d) Conduction currents

12. How much is the energy available in the winds over the earth surface is estimated to be?
a) 2.9 X 120 MW             
b) 1.6 X 107 MW              c) 1 MW               d) 5MW

13. How much wind power does India hold?
a) 20,000 MW                 b) 12,000 MW                  c) 140,000 MW                d) 5000 MW

14. What is the main source for the formation of wind?
a) Uneven land                
b) Sun                  c) Vegetation                    d) Seasons

15. Which country created wind mills?
a) Egypt              b) Mongolia                     
c) Iran                 d) Japan

16. When did the development of wind power in India began?
a) 1965                b) 1954               
c) 1990                d) 1985

17. What happens when the land near the earth’s equator is heated?
a) All the oceans gets heated up                 b) Small wind currents are formed
c) Rise in tides                                               
d) Large atmospheric winds are created

18. What type of energy is wind energy?
a) Renewable energy                     b) Non-renewable energy
c) Conventional energy                 d) Commercial energy

19. What are used to turn wind energy into electrical energy?
a) Turbine          b) Generators                   c) Yaw motor                    d) Blades

20. What is the diameter of wind turbine blades?
a) 320 feet         
b) 220 feet          c) 80 feet             d) 500 feet


Composed By:      

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com