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Thursday 29 July 2021




List the various components of engine.

What is the function of camshaft and crank shaft?

Differentiate between SI and CI Engines?

Differentiate between 2- Stroke and 4-Stroke engines?

Draw the valve timing diagram of SI engines with theoretical values.

Draw the port timing diagram of CI engines with theoretical values.

What is meant by valve overlapping?

What do you mean by scavenging?

What are the various types and functions of piston rings?

What are the various important elements of fuel feed system in SI engines?

Why choke is used in carburetor and what is meant by automatic chocking?

Mention the various circuits in modern carburetor?

What is the purpose of providing spark plug in SI engine?

What are the various important elements of fuel feed system in CI engines?

What are various types of cooling systems in IC engines?

What is the purpose of a thermostat in an engine cooling system?

Mention the various types of lubricating systems in IC engines?

Mention the various types of ignition systems in IC engines?

What is the function of contact breaker in ignition systems?

What is the function of ignition coil?

Composed By:      
R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,
E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com 

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