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Thursday 29 July 2021

Short Answer Questions-GAS POWER CYCLES



  • What is thermodynamic cycle?

  • What are the assumptions made for air standard cycle analysis?

  • Mention the various thermodynamic processes in dual combustion cycle.

  • Define air standard cycle efficiency.

  • Name the factors that affect air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle

  • For the same compression ratio and heat supplied, state the order of decreasing air standard efficiency of Otto, Diesel and dual cycle.

  • What is the effect of cut-off ratio on the efficiency of diesel cycle when the compression ratio is kept constant?

  • Which cycle is more efficient with respect to the same compression ratio?

  • Define mean effective pressure as applied to gas power cycles.

  • Define the term compression ratio

  • Define the term cut off ratio.

  • How actual cycle does deviates from fuel-air cycle?

  • What is the effect of dissociation in the engine performance?

  • Write down mean effective pressure for Otto cycle?

  • Write down mean effective pressure for Diesel cycle?

  • Explain the term time loss factor?

  • Define the term head loss factor?

  • Briefly explain about blow down losses?

  • Explain rubbing friction factor?

  • Write the equation of air standard efficiency for diesel cycle with PV and TS diagram?

Composed By:      

R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,

E-Mail:  rsatheeshemail@gmail.com 

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