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Monday 31 May 2021



Ex.No:                                                                                                                                Date:




Aim:   To study Babcock-Wilcox boiler.


Theory: Evaporating the water at appropriate temperatures and pressures in boilers does the generation of steam. A boiler is defined as a set of units, combined together consisting of an apparatus for producing and recovering heat by igniting certain fuel, together with arrangement for transferring heat so as to make it available to water, which could be heated and vaporized to steam form. One of the important types of boilers is Babcock-Wilcox boiler.


Observation: In thermal powerhouses, Babcock and Wilcox boilers do generation of steam in large quantities.

The boiler consists essentially of three parts.

1.       A number of inclined water tubes: They extend all over the furnace. Water circulates through them and is heated.


2.       A horizontal stream and water drum: Here steam separate from the water which is kept circulating through the tubes and drum.


3.       Combustion chambers: The whole of space where water tubes are laid is divided into three separate chambers, connected to each other so that hot gases pass from one to the other and give out heat in each chamber gradually. Thus the first chamber is the hottest and the last one is at the lowest temperature. All of these constituents have been shown as in fig.


The Water tubes 76.2 to 109 mm in diameter are connected with each other and with the drum by vertical passages at each end called headers. Tubes are inclined in such a way that they slope down towards the back. The rear header is called the down-take header and the front header is called the uptake header has been represented in the fig as DC and VH respectively.


Whole of the assembly of tubes is hung along with the drum in a room made of masonry work, lined with fire bricks. This room is divided into three compartments A, B, and C as shown in fig, so that first of all, the hot gases rise in A and go down in B, again rises up in C, and then the led to the chimney through the smoke chamber C. A mud collector M is attached to the rear and lowest point of the boiler into which the sediment i.e. suspended impurities of water are collected due to gravity, during its passage through the down take header. Below the front uptake header is situated the grate of the furnace, either automatically or manually fired depending upon the size of the boiler. The direction of hot gases is maintained upwards by the baffles L.


In the steam and water drum the steam is separated from the water and the remaining water travels to the back end of the drum and descends through the down take header where it is subjected to the action of fire of which the temperature goes on increasing towards the uptake header. Then it enters the drum where the separation occurs and similar process continuous further.

For the purpose of super heating the stream addition sets of tubes of U-shape fixed horizontally, are fitted in the chamber between the water tubes and the drum. The steam passes from the steam face of the drum downwards into the super heater entering at its upper part, and spreads towards the bottom .Finally the steam enters the water box W, at the bottom in a super heated condition from where it is taken out through the outlet pipes.


The boiler is fitted with the usual mountings like main stop valve M, safety valve S, and feed valve F, and pressure gauge P. Main stop valve is used to regulate flow of steam from the boiler, to steam pipe or from one steam one steam pipe to other.


The function of safety valve is used to safe guard the boiler from the hazard of pressures higher than the design value. They automatically discharge steam from the boiler if inside pressure exceeds design-specified limit. Feed check valve is used to control the supply of water to the boiler and to prevent the escaping of water from boiler due to high pressure inside.




Pressure gauge is an instrument, which record the inside pressure of the boiler. When steam is raised from a cold boiler, an arrangement is provided for flooding the super heater. By this arrangement the super heater is filled with the water up to the level. Any steam is formed while the super heater is flooded is delivered to the drum ultimately when it is raised to the working pressure. Now the water is drained off from the super heater through the cock provided for this purpose, and then steam is let in for super heating purposes.


 Pre Lab Questions:

1.   What is the function of boiler?

2.   What are the different types of boilers?

3.   Explain the principle of fire tube and water tube boilers?

4.   What is meant by evaporation?

5.   Differentiate water tube and fire tube boilers?


Post Lab Questions:

1.   Explain the working principles of various boilers?

2.   Advantages of high pressure boilers?

3.   Explain the term enthalpy.

4.   Explain the principles of fluidized bed combustion and pulverized fuel combustion?

5.   What is the function of superheater, an economizer and an air pre heater?




PO Attainment:

Composed By:  

 R.Satheesh, M.E., Asso.Prof.,